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Shweta Jain
Author: Shweta Jain

Your Complete Seo Checklist Before Redesigning a Website

If you are a website owner, you might be struggling to implement all the efficient SEO tools into your website, or just simply are confused about where to start and what might work for your goals. This blog is your ultimate website redesign SEO checklist, structured to ease your process of revamping your website. 

Technical SEO Checklist  

What is the technical SEO? Well, it is only the most crucial yet simplistic steps that can boost your site performance and visibility. Before manifesting changes of any scale in your website, you need to check if your process can create a site using the right User Interface Design that can be indexed and crawled. This is what is encompassed in technical SEO elements

1.      Free Reporting Platforms

The first step to improvise, if it hasn’t already been inculcated in your previous website design is to make the most of the free reporting platforms. Begin with connecting your site with Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager, Bing Webmaster tools, and Google Analytics.

Get a thorough image of the diagnostic and analytic data of your site traffic and performance through the most substantial of the technical
SEO ranking factors

2.      XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap essentially helps the search engines understand the structure of the site contents and find the pages that you need to get indexed.

Quite a lot of website platforms provide built-in or plugins form of creating a sitemap which stays in sync with the pages of your website.  

3.      Robots.txt

This file together with the XML sitemap establishes what activities the crawlers can perform. This decides the correct indexing and hides what doesn’t need to be looked by the search engines. .

Irrespective of any particular indexing, whilst redesigning your pages; you must go through its accuracy and if it blocks any important content from indexing. This accounts for a very crucial factor in
technical SEO optimization

4.      Site Architecture

A well-structured and a detailed hierarchy can significantly improve the navigation of your site for the better. This can be a great measure in the SEO checklist for web redesign to visibly change the user experience.

This will help you figure out certain aspects of the site that you can highlight and funnel the visibility of the site to its correct audiences. 

5.      Speed

Many stats show that the bounce rate of the users has been reducing greatly. Figure ways to make your website faster than the previous loading time, by reducing JavaScript and other heavy loading codes as well as some reduction in the cache.

There are many developer tools that can guide you through your process of making your site faster by pointing out the target areas that need to be modified. 

6.      Mobile Friendly

Mobile-friendliness is a given now, owing to the great amount of traffic it brings in. Even if you have a mobile-friendly framework of your site, make sure that the experience is actually responsive enough.

Start by passing it through Google’s mobile-friendly test and continuing that with more
User Experience Design and QA tests. 

7.      404 Pages

Create 404 error pages with the helpful information in order to retain the visitors by providing them with helpful links and contact options. . 

On-Page SEO checklist  

our SEO Checklist for web redesigning doesn’t just end at the technical SEO optimization, but it requires further final touches with more detailed web redesign SEO considerations. Given below are some SEO factors that often go unnoticed in the optimization process. 

1.      Keywords

To really make an impactful and contextual user experience, conduct thorough research of the apt keywords and topics that you wish to address through your website. Realize what would be the keywords that the users would use to find what you have to offer.

This is the most primary step to make sure that the visitor understands the terms that count, understand the site architecture and figure their ways to find what they came for. 

2.      Content

Content weighs in relevance to your website, by ensuring that there is good quality content in a concise manner in the required places, you build a bridge between the user and the search engines to gain higher visibility. 

3.      Latent Semantic Indexing

This is a good exercise whilst weighing in the elements of the web redesign SEO checklist, as this provides you a direction for the vocabulary of the content.

The inclusion of words and terms that thematically resonate with your primary keyword helps the search engines understand the content better. Moreover, it makes it easier for you to create newer content each time with the keywords easily blended in. 

4.      URL

The impact of the URL is often ignored. URLs are the first element of a webpage and hence they have been precise and clear to indicate the keywords and content of the page.

They have a great potential in making the search engines entrust the page structure with the correct amount of keywords in the URL itself. 

5.      Fix The Titles, Description, And Headings

Titles, Meta descriptions, and headings are often mismanaged in the content structure. All these elements carry great importance; using correct seo keywords and creating them in a better manner not only improves the user experience but also increases the relevance factor. 

6.      Image alt attributes

In the current times, not being compatible and compliant to various ranges of accessibility can really impact your website. Alt texts help search engines and screen readers to know what an image is about.

This feature also doubles up as a good way of organically including the keywords again. 

For any business query, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] or call on +91 9879528311 , we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Free Reporting Platforms