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The definitive guide to eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization

Image sourceCustomers are your biggest contributors in the world of e-commerce. When you boost traffic to generate sales, it's important that you're able to get traffic that pays, i.e. customers who give you income to keep the business going. During every step of the purchasing journey for a customer, there are many opportunities to enable them to shop quicker and enjoy the experience as well.The eCommerce customer rate optimization is seen as a...

The top 10 Virtual Event Platforms in 2021 (with reviews & more!)

The virtual events industry has been observing soaring importance currently, with new players entering the game every day. Virtual events are essentially just like many other kinds of meetings, conferences, trade shows or exhibitions etc. required for businesses and markets; except they're held online. In times when in-person events are just not feasible and handling professional meetings needed an alternative, the new age event hosting...

Is Your App Off to a Rocky Start? Here’s a Founder’s Advice on Getting it on the Right Track

It takes a lot of time and effort to design, develop, and launch a mobile app. With so many moving parts and unpredictable outcomes, there are many areas where things go wrong and derail the project. Even the rockiest app launches and marketing failures can be overcome as long as you do not give up and are willing to do what it takes to succeed. With millions of apps launched every year, the competition for downloads is fierce. High-speed...

Increasing Traffic and Brand Awareness: A Startup's Guide to Better SEO

Startups often have a lot of things on their plate. They are working hard to create a product or service people want while trying to get the word out there and build a customer base.A significant hurdle that every startup has is being able to balance these two areas properly. If they spend too much time on product development, they may not have enough people using their product. But if they spend all their time marketing and trying to get people...

Improve Conversion rate Optimization

Pratik Jain
Author: Pratik Jain

How to improve conversion rate optimization and why is CRO important?

Conversion rate optimization is undoubtedly the most important factor of the world of commerce online. It is simply the conversion of leads to sales or something that you wish the traffic that flocks to your website to do. Essentially, it is the maximum amount of visitors that convert into consumers of some sort according to the desired action you wish it to be. CRO isn’t a feature or a technology, it is a measure of the efficiency of all the...