How Business cards are still of importance in the digital era
How Business cards are still of importance in the digital era
The modern world and the digital advancements, have somehow put the traditional tactics and practices in the back seat. But does it really mean that those old and traditional methods are dead? We will share 4 main reasons why even in the digital era business cards won’t die.
Business cards have always been a crucial element for all types of businesses, regardless of their size. Whether you are a small business owner or you are running a large enterprise, having a new business card, in your pocket at all times, is important. Even when the new generation might assume that they are dead; they definitely are not.
Why are Business Cards Still Important?
You might be wondering, in a world of LinkedIn and Facebook, why would anyone want a business card? Well, we have summed up some reasons here for you. Remember, this small piece of high quality paper can easily make or break the deal for you.
Personalized Touch:
Anyone can find your personal details on your business page or profile online. But nothing beats the personal feel and touch of a business card. It still remains one of the classic ways of handing out information to your potential clients. You give a strong handshake to the client and maybe embrace each other lightly too, with the exchange of a simple business card. And if the quality of the card is top-notch; you make an instant impression on the person.
Long-Lasting First Impression:
The first impression is the last impression. Imagine having a conversation with a potential client and you are telling them to open their phone and check out your website. They might not vibe with it instantly. Instead, you can make an impression by simply handing out a finely designed, high-quality new business card, telling them about your services and how you can help them out. It is definitely a stronger and long-lasting impression.
Marketing Tool:
A business card acts as a direct marketing tool as well. We understand that SEO and digital or social media marketing are huge assets but business cards are nonetheless. Meeting a potential client at a cafe or an airport lounge is a chance for you to market your brand to them. And this is when you hand over your business card to them and bag a deal with them. This is why it is very important for business owners to have their cards with them, all the time. Keep at least 5-8 business cards in your pocket always
Swapping business information
Any business card helps in exchanging information instantly with people. While attending conferences and meetings we cannot instantly exchange our work info so fast as we do with the help of a business card. It is a great tool to begin a first time conversation also when in such conferences or meetings.
To conclude it all; are business cards dead?
No, they are not. They still hold the potential that they were created for. They serve their purpose optimally. Therefore, investing in finely designed, high-quality ones is crucial. It must be attractive and should force the receiver to have a look at it closely.
From the card quality to the design and the color scheme you choose; everything sums up to the impression you will be setting. Thus, invest your time and effort into them.