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Conversion Rate Optimization

Get your customers
to perform your
desired actions.

CRO - we focus to convert every single website visitor. Helps you increase profit without raising your advertising spend.

Conversion Rate Optimization

What is Converstion Rate? Why do we need to optimize it?

Every website has some objectives or desired actions that they would want their visitors to undertake.

For example

  • Getting a customer to signup
  • Getting customer to purchase a product
  • Signup for a newsletter
  • Subscribe to a service
  • Download Free E-Book
  • Fill contact/inquiry form
  • Answer a survey
  • Give feedback
  • and more.

Your conversion rate is simply the ratio or percentage of visitors who complete the desired action on your website. The objective(s) of your website is only met, when there is healthy conversion. But can it be optimized ?

Well yes, conversion rate optimization (CRO) is as much an art as it is a science. The higher the conversion rates, the more is the reach of your design, copy and objective to qualified prospects. For any website, we define clear goals of conversion and then fine-tune the pages to optimize the conversion rates. CRO helps you discover more about your customers and their behaviour and choices – which can be an extremely important insight. CRO is a mindset and takes time and lot of micro and macro level efforts to optimize the equation. It is a data-driven process to make educated changes to the website to increase conversions. No guesswork. No magic. CRO starts where SEO, PPC and social media marketing end. While these channels bring you visitors to your app/website – CRO makes sure that the end objective of the website is met. Focusing only to get traffic on the website makes little business sense. Afterall, we all need customers to buy, or subscribe, or reach out to us, or download etc. CRO is the culmination to the your marketing strategy and actions.

Some Interesting Facts

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